visual communication

hybrid hive habitat



Deliverables: Mobile App + AR Posters 


Modular, Collaborative & Individualised


Design is rapidly changing the way we live and will also change the way we age and think about aging. 



Hybrid hive habitat is a speculative design outcome that looks into how will a retirement village look like in 2060 and the future of retirement for gen-z.

Societal mirage of the poor



Deliverables:  Project Canopy Mobile Application & Societal Jenga  


Poverty in Singapore suffers from a lack of visibility and existing inequality continues to entrench societal stratification.  


An all-in-one application for both the non-profit organisation, volunteers as well as the public. Through the Canopy app, users earn ‘rewards’ by spending their time volunteering, standing a chance to win prizes, deals and converting their hours to cash to donate to the non-profit of their choice. Through the act of volunteering your time, you’ll create be able to create social benefits through your time. 


A Jenga-inspired game, Societal Jenga have been made to raise awareness and destigmatise poverty and recognise our mutual dependence. Each block represents the various classes in society, each with their unique story. As each block is progressively, it creates an unstable structure. The game ends when the tower falls, the cycle of building the community continues yet again. 

Societal Jenga

Monkey business

A speculative collaboration with Singapore Zoo


Monkey Business: Social Grooming

Living in a strong hierarchical society, the males’fight for both survival and dominance is constantlyat stake. 

Through this structural invitation, the viewer is able to catch a glimpse of the various old world monkeys as they seek to find the most alphaof them all through the accordion fold. Beware as you will not want to be caught in a fight of territorial dominance as the display of teeth can sometimes rival those of tigers and lions in length. The color palette aims to bring out the vitality and presence
of each alpha male.